Thinking at What to write? ..

I am here and I don’t know what to write..

It isn’t that I don’t have imagination but are so many subjects to approach and I really don’t know what to write.

So , I started writing . I do this every time when I don’t know what to do . I just start doing that thing and doing that my imagination is starting to work and in the end something funny, nice, good reveals.

One day I wanted to be an Artist , a painter artist 😀 and I still do. I’m not good at it but it’s make me feel very good . When I am drawing I get into a trance , I get in my world. It feels so good.

First of all I start drawing some lines on a blank paper.

There like here in writing I start doing something and during the writing or drawing I decide what would be.

Sometimes I change the theme or the content but this are not so important. Important is that in the end a good work reveals and feels very good.

When I draw I don’t think about something specific to draw , I just let it go. Of course It happens sometimes to want to draw something specific and then I struggle to do the same draw but each time I do that the drawings are so different one another but it is funny to do it. 🙂

When the drawing looks like a piece of paper scrawled ..

I see what to do next. I see in the scrawled something distinct like a car or a ship or anything else that I could draw or not. I start outlining the content and make it like in my vision . My drawings are childish or at least are at the technique because I stayed at the teachings in gymnasium. Then I didn’t care about painting, drawing or something like this, I just wanted to go outside and play and make silly things ;).

Now I don’t regret that but was better if I had learned then some basics of drawing but no sorry. Now I can learn drawing , while drawing. All the life it is a continuous learning.

I had my first drawing !!!

It isn’t the best drawing in the world but it looks nice, in my opinion of course. Like a proverb that walks in my country: “ Every crow praise its baby 

Here’s my “Baby

Car It isn’t gorgeous but it is my creation 😀


Paul R.



  1. Good work with the sketch Hi, I am a blogger from BT.X You follow us 16 days ago. I want to know what did you like in our blog? Do you want us to add more things like that? What would you like to improve in our blog?


    1. Yes, I like your blog 😀 I like your theme , it is very professional. In these days I didn’t was active on the blog because I just need to prepare to finish a post-secondary school and learn for exams at my graduate school . I have a pretty hard time now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like that you like my sketch but I’m not that good 😀 , you know how it says ? ” It’s beginner’s luck ” that was my first sketch 🙂 . I think I can enlarge the image but I really don’t know how . Could you help me with this ? Thank you ! 😀


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